“Express Trans - Shipment Services” LTD was established at 1996. From the date of its basis the sphere of its work and image increases not only in Georgia but also for border.
In 1997, “Express Trans - Shipment Services” LTD entered the national association of Freight - Forwarders of Georgia (AFG) and in the same year became member of International Federation of Freight-Forwarder association (FIATA).
Extended agency network in all over the world, service came to high level, more and more customers/partners trust our company in door to door shipment organization.
Offer of the flexible, cheaper and high level service, provide acceptable to the clients financial atmosphere, offering alternative service, sociability are priorities of the company.
Qualified and professional level of our staff gives us possibility to be active and demanded/wishful on highly competitive Freight-Forwarding market and reduce our errors to a zero level.
Correct management, examination of the new initiatives and their implementation in our job helps our company refresh and development.
Regular attention to the clients, be devoted to the job doing high-quality fulfillment of the work/job improve oneself, financial stimulation/incentive of the employees, arrangement of various culture tours together with whole staff and other factors became very interesting and prestigious of work in our company.
The role of Poti-Port is very big as gateway to/from Asia and Europe, North and South.
Our company was established in Poti by the peoples originated/living in this city therefore we try to offer to our clients all possible services in Poti-Port concerning cargo discharging/loading, transportation etc. operations. Besides, using our agency network in many countries and our offices, we are providing movement of the goods via various key points. (Batumi, Sarpi, Akhaltsikhe, Sadakhlo, red bridge, Lagodekhi, Baku, Aktau etc..)

              We hope our service will help to carry your goods easily.